
LMS review from MMM Consulting

MMM Consulting is one of the top companies in the training industry, delivering valuable knowledge since 2003 and constantly improving their services. Thus, their LMS review important for us. On the improvement path they have been following, they have partnered up with Knolyx to deliver a modern, accessible and effective learning experience to their customers.
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Category: Corporate-Traning

MMM Consulting is one of the top companies in the training industry, delivering valuable knowledge since 2003 and constantly improving their services. Thus, their LMS review important for us. On the improvement path they have been following, they have partnered up with Knolyx to deliver a modern, accessible and effective learning experience to their customers.


What was MMM Consulting looking for when they started to search for an eLearning platform? a collaborative platform; a user friendly and easy to use eLearning environment; training tracker maintenance; a partner in delivering their tailored made, modular programs; a LMS which encourages learners to communicate and share materials; a way to make knowledge accessible to their clients who work all over Europe.


The solution? Knolyx, a reliable partnership for dedicated training companies. Here's their LMS review on Knolyx which make us aim at improving constantly.  "Sometimes, because our programs take even one year [...] and we work with people who are spread all over Europe in international teams, we were looking for a collaborative platform.", Madi says. A feature of learning that we highly encourage and believe in is the mutual sharing of insights, knowledge and experience through communities of practice, where learners get to communicate. And this is also one of the features that Madi and her team appreciate: "This is what we found at Knolyx, a platform where not only can we upload all our materials and resources, but even our participants may upload their work, they are supposed to work in projects and communicate between them." Also, Knolyx responds to all needs, no matter to whom they belong: managers, trainers, students. "We discovered Knolyx as a user friendly and very easy to use not only by participants, but by our trainings as well", Madi says. Let's sum up the benefits that Knolyx has brought to MMM Consulting. "Collaborative platform, easy to use, easy to integrate learners contribution as well, not only ours, easy way to test their connection to the program because it has all sort of tracking opportunities and options and also the possibility to test, from time to time, in a very friendly way, the way they actually get into the course and take the advantage of participating in the program.


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Madi Radulescu

Madi Radulescu,

MMM Consulting

Collaborative learning platform, easy to use, easy to integrate learners' contribution as well, not only ours, easy way to test their connection to the program because it has all sort of tracking opportunities and options.

Iulian Berghian

Iulian Berghian,


I've searched a lot for learning platforms and I find that the Knolyx platform is the best option for us. The main reason for which we've chosen Knolyx was that it is very easy to find information when we need it, you can organise and establish learning paths for newcomers.

Emanuela Savu

Emanuela Savu,

Romanian Banking Institute

Easy-to-use learning-app with an intuitive interface and a very useful training tracker function.

Alexandra Copos de Prada

Alexandra Copos de Prada,

Moonstar Ventures

Knolyx has been an amazing partner in developing together the most advanced learning experience platform for businesses looking to train their workforce. The platform’s modern look, simplicity and focus on a social and gamified learning experience make all the difference.

Ovidiu Vasile

Ovidiu Vasile,

Urgent Cargus

Knolyx product has streamlined our processes, reduced costs, and provided our users with an intelligible learning experience. Through Knolyx, we managed to deliver courses more easily to all our employees and partners, and made the induction process more efficient.

Eva Williams

Eva Williams,

The Knolyx learning management system offers a mix of advanced features and a contemporary UI, as the developers focused primarily on making the user experience as convenient as possible. - read more

Mirona Agachi

Mirona Agachi,


I like two things best: 1/ With Knolyx, you have the ability to curate the content that your learners receive, limiting overwhelm and promoting a sustainable learning curve. 2/ Knolyx is fully gamified, where you can add interactive courses, have your learners take quizzes and then reward them with progress pages!

Clementina Anghelache

Clementina Anghelache,

Learning Network

Knolyx changes the perspective upon learning: from static to dynamic, by means of interaction and gamification. Learners are constantly encouraged to become an active part of the training programs, to gain knowledge and to test their learning progress. Moreover, social learning is enforced through communities of practice, which is really valuable for us.

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